2015 Year End Rap-Up: Top 5 Moments in Music
/As 2015 nears it's end, we at Roman's Rap-Up have taken the time to list our favorite things in music from the year. Below, find our top 5 favorite moments:
5) VMAs Nicki Minaj: “Miley What’s Good?”: Nicki Minaj called out fellow female artist and host of the VMAs, Miley Cyrus, during her acceptance speech. Cyrus had apparently dissed Minaj in an interview a few days before the awards show; once Minaj won the award for best hip-hop video, she responded to Cyrus’s criticism during her speech, ending with, “Miley, what’s good?” Cyrus attempted to smooth out the attack, as she was onstage the same moment Minaj was accepting her award. However, the artist vs. artist shade could be felt throughout the audience. If 2015 proved nothing else for Minaj, it’s that her attitude is almost as big as her… um…
4) Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift’s Twitter Feud: Again, Minaj slayed the haters involving Taylor Swift; except this feud occurred through Twitter. Minaj tweeted a passive aggressive statement about how her “Anaconda” music video was not nominated for best music video of the year even though it blew up on YouTube. Yet, some other artists’ videos were, and this might hint at possible racism occurring in the nominations. Minaj’s curvy body is celebrated in “Anaconda” in comparison to other artists whose slim bodies seemed to be favored for the VMAs. Swift, assuming Minaj must be poking at her, fired back. Minaj was not having the pop star’s fire, and this turned into a back-and-forth Twitter battle. No worries though – peace was restored to the musical girl world the next day when Swift apologized for the assumption that Minaj was directly digging at her.
3) Drake’s Release of “Back to Back” Aimed at Meek Mill: Another famous social media battle – Meek Mill, a well known rapper, fired at Drake as the two huge hip-hop egos went at it on social media determining artistic talent. Mill accused Drake of not writing his own lyrics among other digs. Drake finally replied through the release of the hit “Back to Back,” which seemed to shut down the hype and lean in Drake’s favor. Next time Mill, focus more on the recording studio and less on the subtweets.
2) DJ Khaled’s Snapchats: Basically self explanatory, DJ Khaled’s Snapchats and videos have become famous for this inspirational yet extremely humorous content. As he stands against a stark background in one of his most famous videos, Khaled declares, “You smart. We da best. You a genius. I appreciate you. Never give up. This next part of the video is when you’re doing push ups or when you’re doing sit ups; let’s get it. Another one. Another one.” Though he attempts a serious vibe to inspire his viewers, the result is more hilarious than thought provoking. It sparked the usage of the phrases “I appreciate you” and “Another one” in a pop culture context. Keep doing you, DJ Khaled. Another one.
(Getty Images)
1) Left Shark: Probably the most famous shark of all time including Jaws, Left Shark made headlines after Katy Perry’s halftime show during the 2015 Super Bowl. Left Shark was a dancer dressed in a shark costume for Perry’s mash up of her best hits. Unlike Right Shark, Left Shark blatantly forgot the choreography, creating memes and GIFs of the struggle in comparison to his counterpart. It taught the country that we all have a little of Left Shark in us to appreciate and laugh at.